Friday, February 27, 2015

Are pit bulls trully vicious to other dogs?

NO it is not true pit bulls get alone with other dogs all the time. My uncle has a pit bull and a German shepherd and those two always get alone very well!! Never have I ever seen them attack each other, they play together just like other dogs. People commonly mistake pit bulls to be overly aggressive because how media portrays them. Yes it may be true that they can be aggressive but only when its owner trains them to be that way. People commonly buy pit bulls as guard dogs which is why most people train them to aggressive in the first place. This still doesn’t mean that all pit bulls have to be that way, my uncles pit bull is a perfect example of that.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Is it possible to domesticate wild dogs?

We did it before and we can do it again!

Todays domestic dogs evolved from a group of wolves that came into contact with European hunter-gatherers between 18,800 and 32,100 years ago and may have since died out.
This origin story comes from a new study that compares DNA from dozens of dogs and wolves, including 18 ancient fossils. The results, published today in science, provide the clearest picture yet of where, when, and how wild predators came to be man’s best friend. Naysayers would probably say its impossible for us to go into the wild and turn a vicious animal into a mans bestfriend. Yes it would be hard but nothing worth having ever is easy. It would take patience, hardwork, dedication and love to get the job done. Like I said before, WE DID IT BEFORE WE CAN DO IT AGAIN!!!

Should dogs that are involved in dogs fighting be put to death?

                I honestly think dogs shouldnt be put to death for fighting, I think those who make them fight should be punished. no dog should have to go through the brutality they go through when it comes to them being in a battle with another dog. The most common dog known for being in dog fights are pitbulls. I've Seen pitbulls killed in dog fights, and TRUST ME it was nothing nice. It was so sad, the only thing I could do is walk off. The people who matched their dogs up to fight should go to jail, get a fine or get seriously punished. Some people will say, dogs should be put down because they're too vicious and they're out of control, SO KILL THEM! I dont think dogs are vicious, I also dont think dogs love fighting each other and I say that Because, dogs depend on humans  to teach them things, they only do what they are train to do. Dogs are naturally caring and loyal animals they usually arent agressive unless taught to be. Most dogs are sometimes scared of humans because they are sometimes brutalized by them.

which is the best household pet? a dog, or a cat ?

When having a dog as a pet u will have to worry about it being over protective especially if it smells fear on someone, and i say dat to say dogs will not act vicious to u if u act cautious to them ogs likes to be spoiled in everyway ut in order to spoil them n a good reaction from them u will have to train them . Cats on the other hand are playful, loyal, n big babys towards their owners and i know this because i had a cat once and it followed me every where i went. everytime someone had rung the door bell, as i walked towards the door to open it the cat ewill follow me and whoever i let in it will sniff them, most cats has dogs actions lol, my cat will stare u up and down until it fall asleep showing no fear.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Are pitbulls dangerous as media make them?

Pit bulls can make very sweet and loyal family dogs. Most people say pit bulls are mean...but are they really? I say no, because out of all the pit bulls in my family none of them were vicious. We use to have so many reunions and every time the dogs use to be around they never tried to attack anyone they was always harmless and friendly. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Are dogs stereotyped?

Dogs are stereotyoed because if a female has a chiwawa the chiwawa would be more agressive with men than they are with women. But if a man has  a pitbull  the pitbull would be more agressive  with women than they are with men. The reason why dogs are stereotyped is cause my aunt has a chiwawa  and everytime my dad and I go visit my aunt house we always get attacked by her dog little chiwawa Lol. The dog is so hilarious by the way it tries to attack people. When we around my uncle piybull it just be sitting yhere it doesnt growl or anything it just be friendly thats why i say chiwawas are more aggressive to men than they are with women.